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Warmly welcome the leaders of Rizhao City to Shandong Huashil automation technology inspection and guidance work.


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Warmly welcome the leaders of Rizhao City to Shandong Huashil automation technology inspection and guidance work.


Huashil Technology hosts city leaders to showcase glass machinery innovations To showcase its pioneering advances in glass machinery, Huashil Technology opened its doors to a delegation of city leaders on Monday. The visit provided officials with an opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of the cutting-edge processes and technologies used by Huashil Technology in producing high-quality glass machine products. The delegation, composed of distinguished representatives from the city council and various city departments, was warmly received by the leadership team of Huashil Technology. Throughout the visit, city leaders took a comprehensive tour of the state-of-the-art production facilities and witnessed with their own eyes the complex processes of glass cutting machine and glass edging machine. "The visit of our city leaders highlights the importance of promoting collaboration between industry and government to drive innovation and economic development," said Huashil Technology CEO Mr. Zhang. "We are honored to have the opportunity to showcase the advanced technologies that form the foundation of our operations. Technology and environmentally sustainable practices.” The delegation also had the opportunity to have insightful discussions with Huashil Technology’s R&D team, who articulated the company’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of glass machinery through continued research and innovation. City leaders expressed their admiration for the company's commitment to technological advancement and its contribution to the local economy. “We are deeply impressed by Huashil Technology’s professionalism and dedication to pursue excellence in the field of glass machinery,” said Councilor Li, leader of the delegation. “Their commitment to innovation and environmental sustainability sets a commendable example for the entire industry.” Huashil Technology's investments in cutting-edge machinery and sustainable machinery practices have solidified its reputation as a leader in the glass machinery industry, attracting the attention not only of local officials but also of businesses and organizations throughout the region. The visit ended on an optimistic note, with both city leaders and Huashil Technology representatives expressing enthusiasm for potential future collaborations aimed at furthering the development of the glass machinery sector. At the end of the event, city leaders expressed their gratitude to Huashil Technology for its visit and emphasized their commitment to supporting the growth and development of the city's innovative industries. The visit demonstrated the critical role that companies like Huashil Technology play in shaping the future of glass machinery, while also highlighting the importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing between local businesses and government entities. We will "survive by quality, seek development by integrity" attitude, carry forward the brand spirit, do a good job of each equipment!

Warmly welcome the leaders of Rizhao City to Shandong Huashil automation technology inspection and guidance work. .jpg